
Posts Tagged ‘The Recess Queen’

Is there anything truly better than sharing a great story with a child? Well maybe it’s becoming part of the very process that brought that story to life.  Here’s a fun game that uses picture books  to encourage creativity and teach problem solving.  Select an unfamiliar book and read it aloud until the primary problem is revealed. Now ask the listener(s) to finish the story by saying, “and then what happened?” The wilder the possibilities, the better, but remember, in the best books the main character solves the problem. Encourage each person listening to offer a solution. Maybe even the reader can contribute. Is there more than one satisfying way to complete the story? Need some suggestions for books that lend themselves to this activity? Try:

CLICK, CLACK, MOO COWS THAT TYPE by Doreen Cronin (read up until Farmer Brown types a letter demanding milk and eggs)

PIRATE GIRL by Cornelia Funke (read up until Molly is captured by the pirates and Willy Wooden Hand says to feed her to the sharks)

THE RECESS QUEEN by Alexis O’Neill (read until Mean Jean grabs Katie Sue by the collar to set the record straight)

MARTHA SPEAKS by Susan Meddaugh (read until a burglar breaks in and Martha tries to call the police but discovers she has lost her people voice)

Even if you don’t play the game, these are four great reads that should be easy to find at your local library or independent book seller. If you have any other more recent books that would work well, I’d love to hear about them, so leave a comment. Happy reading.

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